Sólo esperando por los nombres de los músicos locales para unir fuerzas con
Roberto Magris, el talentoso pianista de jazz , llegando a la Argentina hacia fines de junio. Pero los shows ya están confirmados, junio, viernes 30, 00:30 hs, en
Notorious, y julio, sábado 1, 22:00 hs, en
Thelonious Club.
Todos están invitados a disfrutar de la buena música, Para hacer la espera un poco más fácil pueden escuchar
"Luci lontane". Bajo estas líneas, algo de historia sobre los trabajos de Roberto.
Just waiting for the names of the local musicians to join forces with
Roberto Magris, the talented jazz pianist, arriving to Argentina by the end of june. But the shows are confirmed now, june, friday 30, 00:30 h,s at
Notorious, and july, saturday 1, 22:00 hs, at
Thelonious Club.
Everyone it's invited to enjoy good music. To make the wait a little easier you can listen
"Luci lontane". Below this lines, some history about Roberto's works.
Biografía musical
Roberto Magris es un músico muy respetado en la escena del jazz contemporáneo Europeo.
Nacido en Trieste (Italia) en 1959, comenzó a tocar jazz hacia finales de los años setenta.
Luego de sus primeros pasos, con el “Gruppo Jazz Marca”, una renombrada banda de músicos amateur, fue ganando reputación internacional como solista, así como líder de la “Europlane Orchestra”, una orquesta de jazz de países del centro de Europa, en este caso bajo el asupicio de INCE – CEI (Central European Initiative). Otros grupos de los que ha formado, o aún forma parte, son el “Roberto Magris Quartet”, “Dma Urban Jazz Funk” y “Alfabeats Nu Jazz”.
Magris ha realizado conciertos en Italia, Austria, Alemania, Suiza, República Checa, Hungría, Bulgaria, Rumania, Eslovenia, Croacia, España, Grecia, Israel, Lituania, Estonia, Argentina, Uruguay, Perú, Venezuela, Jamaica, Curacao Dutch Caribbean, México, Canadá, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Australia y Uzbekistán, participando en festivales internacionales de jazz, audiciones de radio y televisión, y eventos multimedia.
Ha acompañado a numerosas figuras internacionales, tales como: Kai Winding, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Sal Nistico, Herb Geller, Franco Ambrosetti, Philip Catherine, y colaborado con varios sobresalientes músicos de la escena del jazz Europeo, nombres como los de: Tony Lakatos, Bill Molenhof, Florian Brambock, Michael Erian, Frantisek Uhlir, Rudi Engel, Ines Reiger, Marko Lackner, Christian Muenchinger, Achim Goettert, Sandor Szabo, Josè Peixoto, Darko Jurkovic, Krystof Bacso, Lojze Krajncan, Robert Balzar, Roberto Ottaviano.
En el año 2005 fue invitado por algunos teatros italianos a ejecutar “Piano & orquesta sinfónica”, como un tributo a su música, junto con la “Big Band Ritmo Sinfonica Città di Verona” y la “Orchestra Giovanile del Veneto”.
Magris ha grabado 19 discos. Su primer álbum “Comunicazione Sonora” (1981), se ha convertido en un ítem de colección en su edición en vinilo, y fue reeditado en cd en el 2005, por el sello ingles Arision. En el 2003, sus composiciones “Maliblues” y “Buhana Blues” fueron incluidas en dos cds de compilaciones de las revistas “Acid Jazz” and “New Age & New Sounds”, también publicando artículos sobre Magris y su banda “Dma Urban Jazz Funk”.
En el 2005, el álbum
Roberto Magris Europlane feat. Tony Lakatos - Check In (Soulnote Cd 2005) fue elegido, por el reconocido sitio de internet “All About Jazz USA”, como uno de los Discos Favoritos del Año por su editor.
Entrevistas a Roberto Magris fueron publicadas por “Blu Jazz”, “Ritmo” y “Akcent” a fines de los noventa, y más recientemente por “All About Jazz USA” (2004) y “Musica Jazz” (2005). Varios comentarios y críticas sobre sus trabajos han sido publicados a través de los años en Down Beat, Jazz Times, Cadence, Goldmine, Coda, Jazz Hot, Jazzman, Jazz Notes, Jazzosphere, Jazz Podium, Jazzthetik, The Wire, Jazz Journal International, Concerto, Jazzrytmit, Cuadernos de Jazz, Jazz Flits, Jazz Live, Akcent, Musica Jazz, Blu Jazz, Ritmo, Jazzit, Suono, Acid Jazz, New Age & New Sounds, y también en internet, en All About Jazz, Jazz Review, E-jazznews, All Music, One Final Note, Jazz Italia, Jazz Convention a.o., así como en diarios de todo el mundo: Herald Sun, Clarin, La Nacion, El Pais, Toronto Star, Herald Tribune, Capital Times, News & Observer, El Nacional, The Gleaner, Irish Times, South China Morning Post, El Universal, Jerusalem Post, Nuernberger Zeitung, Mitteldeutsch Zeitung, Basler Zeitung, Tiroler Zeitung, Vjesnik, Novi List, Jakarta Post, La Repubblica, Il Secolo d’Italia, Libero, La Discussione, Liberazione.
El punto de partida de la experiencia en el jazz de Roberto Magris es la tradición del piano moderno: Wynton Kelly, Tommy Flanagan, Bill Evans, Jaki Byard, Randy Weston, McCoy Tyner, Ahmad Jamal, Andrew Hill, Paul Bley, Don Pullen, Steve Kuhn, con la mente abierta para su acercamiento a la herencia musical Europea, y también a la urbana contemporánea, el hip-hop y el rap.
Roberto Magris Trio / Quartet (músicos italianos)
Roberto Magris Europlane Quartet / Quintet / Sextet / Orchestra (músicos europeos)
Alfabeats Nu Jazz (rap & jazz urbano)
Participación en Festivales
Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts Festival 2004, China - Canton Guangzhou Xhinghai Festival 2004, China - Jakarta Festival 2004, Indonesia - Sofia Jazz Peak 2004, Bulgaria - Tashkent Jazz Festival 2003, Uzbekistan - Italian Jazz Festival Melbourne 2003, Australia - Jazz en Lima 2003, Perù - Mar del Plata Jazz Festival 2003, Argentina - Jazz Tour Festival Montevideo 2003, Uruguay - No Borders Music 2003, Italy - Kaunas Jazz Festival 2002, Lithuania - International Montreal Jazz Festival 2001, Canada - Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival 2001, Canada - Atlantic Jazz Festival Halifax 2001, Canada - Gostenhofer Jazztage Nuernberg 2001, Germany - Half Note Athens 2001, Greece - San Sebastian Jazz Festival 2000, Spain - Newport Jazz Festival Torino 2000, Italy - Ocho Rios Jazz Festival 2000, Jamaica - Curacao Jazz Festival 1999, Dutch Carribbean - International Jazz Festival Corinthos 1998, Greece - International Jazzkaar Tallin 1999, Estonia - International Moritzburg Jazz Festival Halle 1996, Germany - Jazz Ost-West Nuernberg 1990, Germany - International Festival Cervantino 1997, Mexico - International Festival Metepec 1997, Mexico - Festival Cervantes En Todas Partes 1997 and 1999, Mexico - Festival Olimpio Mèrida 1999, Mexico - Pannonton Jazz Napok Budapest 1989, Hungary - Sibiu Jazz Festival 1986, Romania - Jazzfestival Wuerzburg 1992, Germany - Jazz in Raab 1994, Austria - Jazz in Zentrum Bremen, 1990 Germany - Jazz Time Rijeka 1994, 1995 and 1997, Croatia - Basler Jazz Woche 1995, Switzerland - Festival Jazz Sant Cugat del Vallès 1990, Spain - International Jazz Days Zagreb 1993, Croatia - International Jazz Festival Prague 1984, Czech Rep. - Cegled Jazz Show 1986, Hungary - Jazz Festival Gottwaldov 1986, Czech Rep. - Jazz Days Blansko 1986, Czech Rep. - Jazz Days Liberec 1992, Czech Rep. - Prerov Jazz Days 1988, Czech Rep. - Lange Jazz Nacht Lindau, 1991 Germany - Forum Stadtpark Graz 1993, Austria - Gorizia Jazz 1993, Italy - Estate Jazz Verona 1993, Italy - Tarcento Jazz 1988, Italy - Udine Jazz 2001, Italy - Messina Jazz Meeting 1989, Italy - Ancona Jazz 1992, Italy - Euro Jazz Ivrea 1988, Italy
Roberto Magris Europlane meets Herb Geller - Il Bello del Jazz (Soulnote Cd 2006)
Alfabeats Nu Jazz - Stones (Oasis Cd 2006)
Roberto Magris Europlane feat. Tony Lakatos - Check In (Soulnote Cd 2005)Europlane Orchestra - Plays Kurt Weill (Pull Cd 2000)
Europlane Orchestra - Live at Zooest (Zooest Cd 1998)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk - Up to the beat! (Map Cd 1998 reditado in 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - Acid Jazz N. 77 compilación (revista / Cd 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - New Age & New Sounds compilación (revista / Cd 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - Vocal Groove & Jazz Dance (Srazz Cd 1996)
Roberto Magris Quartet a.o. - Trieste e il Jazz (Ed. Fenice – book/Cd 2002)
Roberto Magris Quintet a.o. - Live al Vapore (Srazz Cd 1995)
Roberto Magris Quartet - Maliblues (Map Cd 1994)
Roberto Magris & The D.I. Project - Music of Today (Splasch Cd 1992)
Achim Goettert - The D.I. Project (Ac.t Art Cd 1992)
Caminhos - Live at Desi (feat. Josè Peixoto a.o. - Ac.t Art Cd 1990)
Roberto Magris Israsextet - Life in Israel (Jazzis Cd 1990)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Mitteleuropa (Gulliver Lp 1986)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Aria di Città (IAF Lp 1983)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Comunicazione Sonora (IAF Lp 1982 reeditado by Arision Cd 2005)
En internet
Perfil en All About Jazz USAUna entrevista en All About Jazz Perfil en JazzitaliaAlfabeats Nu Jazz sitio oficialMusical biography
Roberto Magris is a much respected musician from the European contemporary jazz scene. Born in Trieste (Italy) in 1959, he started to play jazz in the late seventhies. After his beginnings with the “Gruppo Jazz Marca”, a renowned Italian amateur band, he has gained his International reputation as a soloist as well as the leader of the “Europlane Orchestra”, the jazz orchestra from Central European Countries under the sponsorship of INCE-CEI (Central European Initiative), the “Roberto Magris Quartet”, “Dma Urban Jazz Funk” and “Alfabeats Nu Jazz” bands.
Magris has played concerts in Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Israel, Lithuania, Estonia, Argentina, Uruguay, Perù, Venezuela, Jamaica, Curacao Dutch Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Australia and Uzbekistan, also performing at several International jazz festivals, radio and television broadcasts and multi-media events.
He has performed with such International names as Kai Winding, Eddie Lockjaw Davis, Sal Nistico, Herb Geller, Franco Ambrosetti, Philip Catherine and has collaborated with several outstanding musicians from the European jazz scene such as Tony Lakatos, Bill Molenhof, Florian Brambock, Michael Erian, Frantisek Uhlir, Rudi Engel, Ines Reiger, Marko Lackner, Christian Muenchinger, Achim Goettert, Sandor Szabo, Josè Peixoto, Darko Jurkovic, Krystof Bacso, Lojze Krajncan, Robert Balzar, Roberto Ottaviano a.o.. In 2005 he was invited by some Italian theaters to perform a “piano & symphonic orchestra” jazz concert, as a tribute to his music, together with the “Big Band Ritmo Sinfonica Città di Verona” and the “Orchestra Giovanile del Veneto”.
Magris has recorded 19 Lps/Cds. His first album “Comunicazione Sonora” (Lp 1981) has become a collector’s item and it was reissued on Cd in 2005 by English label Arision. In 2003, his compositions “Maliblues” and “Buhana Blues” were included in the Cd compilations of “Acid Jazz” and “New Age & New Sounds” magazines, also publishing interviews and articles about Magris’ Dma Urban Jazz Funk band. In 2005, the album
Roberto Magris Europlane feat. Tony Lakatos - Check In (Soulnote Cd 2005) was selected by “All About Jazz USA“ as One of the Publisher’s Top Cd’s of the Year.
Magris’ interviews were published by “Blu Jazz”, “Ritmo” and “Akcent” magazines in the late ninethies and more recently by “All About Jazz USA” (2004) and “Musica Jazz” (2005). Several reviews of Magris’ recordings and performances have been published, along the years, by Down Beat, Jazz Times, Cadence, Goldmine, Coda, Jazz Hot, Jazzman, Jazz Notes, Jazzosphere, Jazz Podium, Jazzthetik, The Wire, Jazz Journal International, Concerto, Jazzrytmit, Cuadernos de Jazz, Jazz Flits, Jazz Live, Akcent, Musica Jazz, Blu Jazz, Ritmo, Jazzit, Suono, Acid Jazz, New Age & New Sounds a.o., on the net by All About Jazz, Jazz Review, E-jazznews, All Music, One Final Note, Jazz Italia, Jazz Convention a.o., and by such newspapers as Herald Sun, Clarin, La Nacion, El Pais, Toronto Star, Herald Tribune, Capital Times, News & Observer, El Nacional, The Gleaner, Irish Times, South China Morning Post, El Universal, Jerusalem Post, Nuernberger Zeitung, Mitteldeutsch Zeitung, Basler Zeitung, Tiroler Zeitung, Vjesnik, Novi List, Jakarta Post, La Repubblica, Il Secolo d’Italia, Libero, La Discussione, Liberazione a.o.. Magris has also been quoted in several jazz discographies and books too.
The point of departure of Magris’ jazz experience is the modern piano tradition (Wynton Kelly, Tommy Flanagan, Bill Evans, Jaki Byard, Randy Weston, McCoy Tyner, Ahmad Jamal, Andrew Hill, Paul Bley, Don Pullen, Steve Kuhn) with an open-minded approach to the European musical heritage and to the contemporary urban, hip-hop and rap music as well.
Roberto Magris Trio / Quartet (feat. Italian musicians)
Roberto Magris Europlane Quartet / Quintet / Sextet / Orchestra (feat. European musicians)
Alfabeats Nu Jazz (rap & urban jazz)
Festival perfomances
Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts Festival 2004, China - Canton Guangzhou Xhinghai Festival 2004, China - Jakarta Festival 2004, Indonesia - Sofia Jazz Peak 2004, Bulgaria - Tashkent Jazz Festival 2003, Uzbekistan - Italian Jazz Festival Melbourne 2003, Australia - Jazz en Lima 2003, Perù - Mar del Plata Jazz Festival 2003, Argentina - Jazz Tour Festival Montevideo 2003, Uruguay - No Borders Music 2003, Italy - Kaunas Jazz Festival 2002, Lithuania - International Montreal Jazz Festival 2001, Canada - Toronto Downtown Jazz Festival 2001, Canada - Atlantic Jazz Festival Halifax 2001, Canada - Gostenhofer Jazztage Nuernberg 2001, Germany - Half Note Athens 2001, Greece - San Sebastian Jazz Festival 2000, Spain - Newport Jazz Festival Torino 2000, Italy - Ocho Rios Jazz Festival 2000, Jamaica - Curacao Jazz Festival 1999, Dutch Carribbean - International Jazz Festival Corinthos 1998, Greece - International Jazzkaar Tallin 1999, Estonia - International Moritzburg Jazz Festival Halle 1996, Germany - Jazz Ost-West Nuernberg 1990, Germany - International Festival Cervantino 1997, Mexico - International Festival Metepec 1997, Mexico - Festival Cervantes En Todas Partes 1997 and 1999, Mexico - Festival Olimpio Mèrida 1999, Mexico - Pannonton Jazz Napok Budapest 1989, Hungary - Sibiu Jazz Festival 1986, Romania - Jazzfestival Wuerzburg 1992, Germany - Jazz in Raab 1994, Austria - Jazz in Zentrum Bremen, 1990 Germany - Jazz Time Rijeka 1994, 1995 and 1997, Croatia - Basler Jazz Woche 1995, Switzerland - Festival Jazz Sant Cugat del Vallès 1990, Spain - International Jazz Days Zagreb 1993, Croatia - International Jazz Festival Prague 1984, Czech Rep. - Cegled Jazz Show 1986, Hungary - Jazz Festival Gottwaldov 1986, Czech Rep. - Jazz Days Blansko 1986, Czech Rep. - Jazz Days Liberec 1992, Czech Rep. - Prerov Jazz Days 1988, Czech Rep. - Lange Jazz Nacht Lindau, 1991 Germany - Forum Stadtpark Graz 1993, Austria - Gorizia Jazz 1993, Italy - Estate Jazz Verona 1993, Italy - Tarcento Jazz 1988, Italy - Udine Jazz 2001, Italy - Messina Jazz Meeting 1989, Italy - Ancona Jazz 1992, Italy - Euro Jazz Ivrea 1988, Italy
Roberto Magris Europlane meets Herb Geller - Il Bello del Jazz (Soulnote Cd 2006)
Alfabeats Nu Jazz - Stones (Oasis Cd 2006)
Roberto Magris Europlane feat. Tony Lakatos - Check In (Soulnote Cd 2005)Europlane Orchestra - Plays Kurt Weill (Pull Cd 2000)
Europlane Orchestra - Live at Zooest (Zooest Cd 1998)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk - Up to the beat! (Map Cd 1998 reissued in 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - Acid Jazz N. 77 compilation (magazine/Cd 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - New Age & New Sounds compilation (magazine/Cd 2003)
Dma Urban Jazz Funk a.o. - Vocal Groove & Jazz Dance (Srazz Cd 1996)
Roberto Magris Quartet a.o. - Trieste e il Jazz (Ed. Fenice – book/Cd 2002)
Roberto Magris Quintet a.o. - Live al Vapore (Srazz Cd 1995)
Roberto Magris Quartet - Maliblues (Map Cd 1994)
Roberto Magris & The D.I. Project - Music of Today (Splasch Cd 1992)
Achim Goettert - The D.I. Project (Ac.t Art Cd 1992)
Caminhos - Live at Desi (feat. Josè Peixoto a.o. - Ac.t Art Cd 1990)
Roberto Magris Israsextet - Life in Israel (Jazzis Cd 1990)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Mitteleuropa (Gulliver Lp 1986)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Aria di Città (IAF Lp 1983)
Gruppo Jazz Marca - Comunicazione Sonora (IAF Lp 1982 reissued by Arision Cd 2005)
On the web
Profile at All About Jazz USAAn interview at All About Jazz USAProfile at JazzitaliaAlfabeats Nu Jazz homepageThelonious ClubJazz & Cocktails
Salguero 1884
Palermo, Buenos Aires
Informes y reservas (Information and reservations): 4829 1562
NotoriousCallao 966
Barrio Norte, Buenos Aires
Informes y reservas (Information and reservations): 4813 6888