No voy a realizar un balance del 2008, para mi, como para muchas otras personas alrededor del mundo, el año terminó hace algunos días, 1429, no 2008.
De todas formas, quiero desear a todos aquellos allí fuera, listos para celebrar el fin del año, un fantástico 2009, me encantaría tener algo que celebrar en 1430.
Los mejores deseos, como siempre,
Federico (aka euskir)
Last months were kind of strange, as you can see in the blog there's some irregular presence of articles, and I'm working, at least in some area in my mind, on some ideas to keep the blog in the "good path", minor changes?, major changes?, I don't know really.
I'm not going to do a balance of 2008, for me, as for many other people around the world, the year finished some days ago, 1429, no 2008.
Anyway, I wish to all of you out there, ready to celebrate the end of the year, a fantastic 2009, I would love to have something to celebrate in 1430.
Best wishes, as always,
Federico (aka euskir)
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