La buena gente de Open24 estará presentando su último álbum: "Peligro", los sábados 19 y 26, mayo 2007, a las 00:30 hs.
Rock, funk y psicodelia para todos, gracias al talento de Open24, la banda fundada por Lucas Cutaia (guitarra) y Ezequiel Cutaia (bajo y voz).
Thelonious es el lugar...
The good people from Open24 will be presenting their last album: "Peligro" ("Danger"), on saturdays 19 and 26, may 2007, at 12:30 am.
Rock, funk and psychedelic for everyone, thanks to the talent of Open24, the band founded by Lucas Cutaia (guitar) and Ezequiel Cutaia: (bass and vocals).
Thelonious is the place...
Open24 en MySpace / Open24 at MySpace
Salguero 1884 - 1º
Reervas / Reservations: 48291562
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires