Sunday, January 14, 2007

Michael Brecker: un gran saxofonista / Michael Brecker: a great saxophone player

Michael Brecker con su familia / with his family

Si ustedes recuerdan mi articulo de octubre 7, 2005, bueno, Michael Brecker estaba muy enfermo, y ahora estoy realmente entristecido, porque el murió ayer.
Un gran músico, y un dotado saxofonista. Desde los viejos días con Joni Mitchell o Steps Ahead (por nombrar sólo unos pocos, su carrera es excepcional), y aún antes, hasta sus álbumes como líder, el primero: "Michael Brecker" (1987), y algunas hermosas joyas a lo largo del camino, estoy eligiendo dos ahora: "80 /81" (1980), de Pat Metheny y "Wilderness" (1996), de Tony Williams.
Se que es una gran pérdida para su familia y amigos, mi cariño para todos ellos, para el resto de nosotros, la hermosa música que deja como un maravilloso legado.
Gracias por la música Michael Brecker, de todo corazón.

If you remember my article from october 7, 2005, well, Michael Brecker was very ill, and now I'm really sad, because he died yesterday.
A great musician, and a gifted saxophone player. Since the old days with Joni Mitchell or Steps Ahead (to name just a few, his career it's outstanding), and even before, to his albums as leader, the first one: "Michael Brecker" (1987), and some beautiful gems along the way, I'm just picking two now: Pat Metheny's "80 /81" (1980) and Tony Williams's "Wilderness" (1996).
I know it's a big loss for his family and friends, my love for all of them, for the rest of us, the beautiful music he left behind as a wonderful legacy.
Thank you for the music Michael Brecker, with all my heart.

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