Petra Haden, y no sola, con The New York Sellouts, "su coro", en la fiesta de lanzamiento del disco de Guilt by Association.
Un coro completamente nuevo estará cantando "Don't Stop Believin' ("No dejes de creer") y mucho mas...
En Joe's Pub (425 Lafayette St, New York, NY, entre la calle 4 y Astor Place).
Estén allí el viernes 7, septiembre 2007, a las 19:00 hs - 7:00 - (¿demasiados sietes no creen?), para divertirse, y para disfrutar el creativo, inteligente, y siempre misterioso, mundo musical de
Petra Haden y sus amigos.
Petra Haden, and not alone, with The New York Sellouts, "her choir", at the Guilt by Association record release party.
An all new choir will be singing "Don't Stop Believin' plus more...
At Joe's Pub (425 Lafayette St, New York, NY, between 4th Street and Astor Place).
Be there on friday 7, september 2007, at 7 pm. (too many sevens don't you think?). to have fun, and to enjoy the creative, intelligent, and always intriguing, musical world of Petra Haden and her friends.
Fiesta de lanzamiento del disco de Guilt by Association / Guilt by Association record release party
¡La diversión comienza a las 19:00 hs.! / Fun starts at 7:00 pm!
Joe's Pub
425 Lafayette St
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 539-8770
Petra Haden en MySpace / at MySpace
Guilt by Association en MySpace / at MySpace
Foto de Petra Haden por Onno Seimens / Petra Haden photo by Onno Seimens.

Joe's Pub (425 Lafayette St, New York, NY).
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