La cita, este domingo, octubre 5, 2008, 17:30 hs., en La Manzana de las Luces, Sala Ranchería (Perú 272, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires), las entradas, sólo $ 10.-
Si después del "gran sábado musical", todavía están buscando música interesante para disfrutar, tomen buena nota de esta presentación.
Sardina will be presenting an album, "Sardina", the first one from the band, taking sounds from the jazz, blues, searching for a better space in the local music scene, counting with the energy and musical ideas from Cosme Tarantino (sax), Rodrigo Cardone (guitar), Martín Metetiero (bass), Santiago Varela (drums).
The date, this sunday, october 5, 2008, 5:30 pm, at La Manzana de las Luces, Sala Ranchería (Perú 272, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires), the tickets, just $ 10.-
If after the "great musical saturday", you're still looking for interesting music to enjoy, take a good note from this presentation.
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