Para darles sólo una ligera idea, lean estos nombres: Elvin Jones,
Norberto Minichillo, Dizzy Gillespie, Baden Powell, todos ellos fueron felices compartiendo proyectos con Luis Agudo, y la lista es mucho más larga...
Una noche con música de los discos anteriores del trío: "Tres maneras de pensar sin parar" (Enonane Records, 2007) y "¡Qué sound! (Enonane Records, 2008), y por supuesto standards de jazz, de la forma en que sólo el Norris Trío puede tocarlos.
La cita, viernes 28, agosto 2009, 22:30 hs., en Virasoro Bar (Guatemala 4328, Palermo, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina).
El jazz es la llave, y ellos no tiene miedo de abrir las puertas a la libertad musical...
The Norris Trio, Enrique Norris (cornet, keyboard), Cristian Bórtoli (acoustic bass), and Pablo Díaz (drums), wonderful musicians, and if they were fantastic at the beginning, imagine the beautiful interchange of ideas after several years playing together, and for this show, a special guest, Luis Agudo (percussion), after many years in Europe Luis Agudo it's back on Argentina, and you better pay real attention to his art, pure beauty.
To give you just a slight idea, read these names: Elvin Jones, Norberto Minichillo, Dizzy Gillespie, Baden Powell, all of them were happy sharing projects with Luis Agudo, and the list is much longer...
A night with music from the trio previous albums: "Tres maneras de pensar sin parar" - "Three ways of thinking without stopping" - (Enonane Records, 2007) and "¡Qué sound! - "What sound!" - (Enonane Records, 2008), and of course jazz standards, the way only the Norris Trio can play them.
The date, friday 28, august 2009, 10:30 pm, at Virasoro Bar (Guatemala 4328, Palermo, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Jazz is the key, and they're not afraid to open the doors to musical freedom...
Foto / Photo: Enrique Norris en Virasoro Bar / Enrique Norris at Virasoro Bar.

Tapas, tragos y woks / Tapas, drinks and woks.
Guatemala 4328
Palermo, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Capacidad limitada - Consumición mínima / Limited capacity - Minimal consumption.
Entradas / Tickets: $ 20.--
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