La cita, este martes 10, noviembre 2009, 21:30 hs., en La Paila (Costa Rica 4848, entre Thames y Borges, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Mariana Masetto, en voz y percusión, con su inusual e interesante perspectiva sobre la música folklórica, y su invitado especial, Enrique Norris, en flugelhorn, percusión, y voz.
Música popular de Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, y siempre hay mucho más cuando talentosos músicos como estos unen sus objetivos.
Como siempre, están todos invitados, disfruten la buena música...
Mariana Masetto it's recording her first solo album, Enrique Norris has many, many wonderful recordings on his shoulders, both musicians are beautiful creative forces, and together, well, we know they will share with us their best art.
The date, this tuesday 10, november 2009, 9:30 pm, at La Paila (Costa Rica 4848, between Thames and Borges, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Mariana Masetto on vocals and percussion, with her unusual and interesting perspective about folkloric music, and her special guest, Enrique Norris, on flugelhorn, percussion, and vocals.
Popular music from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, and there's always much more when talented musician as these join their goals.
As always, everyone is invited, enjoy the good music...
Reservas / Reservations: 48782688
Entradas / Tickets: $ 10.-