La cita para disfrutar de esta maravilla, este domingo 14, febrero 2010, 21:00 hs., en No Avestruz (Humboldt 1857, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Una excelente oportunidad para escuchar material del álbum recientemente grabado por Mariana Masetto, "La Bumbunita", a ser editado en los próximos meses, música folklórica tomando nuevas formas, abriendo misteriosos y bellos espacios.
No se pierdan este show, no son estos los tiempos para decir no a un gran vaso de fresca agua musical...
Can you see?, this is a great example of "fresh water" (take a look at my previous article), Mariana Masetto (vocals and percussion), bringing new air to the traditional and popular music from Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Colombia, and this time with a great helper, the one and only Enrique Norris (cornet, vocals and percussion), a reference not only for jazz musicians, a great model to follow for his art and kindness.
The date to enjoy this wonder, this sunday 14, february 2010, 9 pm, at No Avestruz (Humboldt 1857, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
An excellent chance to listen material from the album recently recorded by Mariana Masetto, "La Bumbunita", to be released in the next months, folkloric music taking new shapes, opening mysterious and beautiful spaces.
Don't you miss this show, these are not the times to say no to a big glass of fresh musical water...
Mariana Masetto en / at No Avestruz
Mariana Masetto (blog oficial / official blog
Domingo 14, febrero 2010, 21 hs. / Sunday 14, february 2010, 9 pm
Mariana Masetto: voz y percusión / vocals and percussion
Enrique Norris: corneta, voz y percusión / cornet, vocals and percussion
No Avestruz
Humboldt 1857
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Reservas / Reservations: 4777 - 6956
Entradas / Tickets: $ 20.-
Como siempre, están todos invitados...
As always, everyone is invited...
Gracias por compartir y difundir la buena música...
Thanks for sharing and spreading the good music...
Federico Antin
euskir music
euskir music en / at Facebook
***Mariana Masetto en Eventos Facebook / Mariana Masetto at Facebook Events***
Este artículo pertenece a euskir music / This article belongs to euskir music
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