El gran pianista George Cables recientemente recibió un transplante de de hígado y riñón. El se está recuperando en su hogar en New York. Si todo va bien, pasarán seis meses antes que pueda comenzar a tocar y trabajar nuevamente. Organizaciones del área de la Bahía están trabajando de manera conjunta, creando este evento benéfico para él este sábado por la tarde, diciembre 8, 2007 en Yoshi's, en Oakland, de 13:00 hs. a 15:30 hs.
Con un maravilloso músico pasando un mal rato, muchos artistas estarán tocando este sábado para ayudar: Bobby Hutcherson, Gary Bartz, Jeff "Tain" Watts, Mary Stallings, Eddie Marshall, Glenn Richmond, Babatunde Lea, Denise Perrier, Peter Barshay, Mel Martin, Calvin Keys, Jeff Chambers, Vince Lateano, Angela Wellman, David Udolf, The Mo' Rockin Project con Khalil Shaheed, Yassir Chadly, Bouchaib Abdelhadi, Deszon Clairborne, Ron Belcher, Glen Pearson and Richard Howell. Habrá más por llegar y algunos invitados como sorpresa especial también.
Tengo algunos recuerdos de hermosos momentos gracias a la música de George Cables, recupérate pronto, te necesitamos, en el mundo en que vivimos sabes que tu arte es como agua fresca en el desierto.
There's a lot of great moments in George Cables career, and we're still waiting for much more to come, but now he needs our help.
The great jazz pianist George Cables recently received a liver and kidney transplant. He is recuperating at home in New York. If all goes well, it will be six months before he can start playing and working again. Bay Area organizations are working together, creating this benefit for him on saturday afternoon, december 8th, 2007, at Yoshi's, in Oakland, from 1 pm to 3:30 pm.
With a wonderful musician having a bad time, many artists will be playing this saturday to help: Bobby Hutcherson, Gary Bartz, Jeff "Tain" Watts, Mary Stallings, Eddie Marshall, Glenn Richmond, Babatunde Lea, Denise Perrier, Peter Barshay, Mel Martin, Calvin Keys, Jeff Chambers, Vince Lateano, Angela Wellman, David Udolf, The Mo' Rockin Project with Khalil Shaheed with Khalil Shaheed, Yassir Chadly, Bouchaib Abdelhadi, Deszon Clairborne, Ron Belcher, Glen Pearson and Richard Howell. There will be more to come and some special surprise guests as well.
I've got some memories from beautiful moments thanks to the music from George Cables, get well soon, we need you, in the world we live in you know your art it's like fresh water in the desert.
Para aquellos que no puedan concurrir pero les gustaría enviar una donación a George Cables, The "George Cables Healing Fund" ha sido establecida para recolectar fondos para ayudar a solventar los gastos de George. El dinero irá directamente a George sin ningún costo operativo o administrativo (excepto lo que sea deducido por PayPal).
For those that cannot attend but would like to send a donation go to George Cables, The "George Cables Healing Fund" has been set up to collect funds to help offset George's expenses. The money will go directly to George with no operational costs or administrative costs (except what PayPal deducts).
Si prefieren enviar un cheque, por favor que sea a nombre de George Cables y envíenlo a / If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to George Cables, and send to:
George Cables
c/o JazzCorner.com
245 West 25th St. #2F
New York, NY 10001
Las organizaciones que apoyan el evento incluyen a / Supporting organizations include: the Healdsburg Jazz Festival, KCSM Radio 91FM, KPFA, SFJAZZ, Yoshi's and JazzCorner.
Concierto a beneficio de George Cables / Benefit concert for George Cables.
Sábado 8, diciembre 2007 / Saturday 8, december 2007.
Time: 1 pm to 3:30pm (por la tarde / afternoon).
Entradas / Tickets: $ 30.-
Venta adelantada / Advanced purchase: en / at Yoshi's o llamando al / or calling (510) 238-9200
510 Embarcadero West
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 238-9200
Contacto de prensa / Press contact: Jessica Felix
707 433-4633