Junto con Dave Douglas y su trompeta, Uri Caine en piano Fender Rhodes, Donny McCaslin en saxos, Eric Revis en contrabajo y Clarence Penn en batería.
Antes del Dave Douglas Quinteto, la presentación de la nueva banda de Mariano Otero, el Mariano Otero Septeto, con Mariano Loiácono en trompeta y flugelhorn, Ramiro Flores y Rodrigo Domínguez en saxo alto, Francisco Lo Vuolo en piano Fender Rhodes, Patricio Carpossi en guitarra, Sergio Verdinelli en batería y Mariano Otero en contrabajo.
La cita, jueves 11, octubre 2007, 21:00 hs. Pueden obtener las entradas en el Teatro Opera (Corrientes 860, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) o en Ticketmaster (4021 9700).
Ahorren algo de dinero para el buen jazz...
The talented trumpet player Dave Douglas will be playing with his Quintet at the Opera Theater (Corrientes 860, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires). Material from his last recording: “Live At the Jazz Standard” (Greenleaf Music, 2007), and from previous albums, there's a lot of good music in Dave Douglas long career.
Along with Dave Douglas and his trumpet, Uri Caine on Fender Rhodes piano, Donny McCaslin on saxophones, Eric Revis on acoustic bass and Clarence Penn on drums.
Before Dave Douglas Quintet, the presentation of Mariano Otero's new band, the Mariano Otero Septet, with Mariano Loiácono on trumpet and flugelhorn, Ramiro Flores and Rodrigo Domínguez on alto sax, Francisco Lo Vuolo on Fender Rhodes piano, Patricio Carpossi on guitar, Sergio Verdinelli on drums and Mariano Otero on acoustic bass.
The date, thursday 11, october 2007, 9 pm. You can get the tickets at the Opera Theater (Corrientes 860, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires) or at Ticketmaster (4021 9700).
Save some money for the good jazz...
Foto / Photo: Dave Douglas.