Quiero decir gracias, gracias a todos los músicos, clubes de música, amantes de la buena música, ellos fueron muy importantes durante estos tres años de "actividad subterránea" de euskir music, y esenciales en los últimos meses, compartiendo y apoyando los movimientos de euskir music "sobre la superficie".
Por supuesto, porque yo soy Federico Antin, el alma, corazón y cerebro de euskir music, de alguna manera la idea vivirá tanto tiempo como mi vida continúe, algunos buenos momentos fueron lo suficientemente importantes para mantener las lecciones de estos años siempre a mano, fue una maravillosa experiencia.
Estaré cerca, los mejores, deseos, como siempre, y gracias por compartir y difundir la buena música...
Well, just a few hours ago the tough decision was taken, last week funding campaign was a total disaster and the last drop to understand that there's no reason to keep euskir music alive, it's not working, at least not according to my original idea, and I need to change my focus toward other things, very important matters in a very critical personal situation.
I want to say thanks, thanks to all the musicians, music clubs, good music lovers, they were very important during the three years of euskir music "underground activity", and essential in the last months, sharing and supporting euskir music's movements "over the surface".
Of course, because I'm Federico Antin, the soul, heart and brain of euskir music, somehow the idea will live as long as my life goes on, some good moments were important enough to keep the lessons from these years always at hand, it was a wonderful experience.
I'll be around, best wishes, as always, and thanks for sharing and spreading the good music...
Federico Antin
euskir music
Este artículo pertenece a euskir music / This article belongs to euskir music