Showing posts with label literature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label literature. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ricardo Antin (1932 - 2014): la publicidad ya no es una fiesta / advertising is no longer a party

(1932 - 2014)

"La publicidad era una fiesta " es una autobiografía inédita de Ricardo Antin, mi querido padre, estoy diciendo "ya no es una fiesta " porque él murió el 2 de enero en Madrid, España.

En pocas palabras quiero hablar sobre la carrera profesional de mi padre, por supuesto que tengo una gran deuda con él , por los grandes valores que me enseñó, y, como mi madre, su adorable dedicación de abrir para mí el mundo maravilloso de la música, el cine, la literatura, y el interminable amor a todas las criaturas a nuestro alrededor, especialmente los gatos y los perros, pero eso es personal, un vínculo eterno con su alma.

Su primer trabajo estable en la publicidad fue en un verdadero lugar de vanguardia llamado Castignani y Burd Propaganda (1958 -1959), agencia que dejó atrás, con gran dolor, para estampar una marca imborrable en la historia de la publicidad en J. Walter Thompson (1959 -1970).

Los primeros pasos de Ricardo Antin en la publicidad fueron como redactor, pero esencialmente fue un ser humano creativo, poesía, teatro, novela, cuentos, con talento para escribir en cualquier campo, y tristemente sólo fue publicada parte de su poesía.

En J. Walter Thompson fue la llave para abrir un espacio a los trabajadores creativos, no sólo como las personas imaginando publicidad gráfica y televisiva, también para tomar decisiones importantes para la empresa, algo muy habitual hoy en día, absolutamente indignante para la "grandes jefes " en esos tiempos.

Uniendo fuerzas con su hermano , el cineasta Manuel Antin, dieron luz a una exitosa sociedad dedicada al cine publicitario (1971 - 1972).

Entonces, un largo camino, varias agencias de publicidad , hasta que fue el momento de crear la propia (1981 - 1983).

Pero él no estaba atrapado en el mundo de la publicidad, enamorado de la radio y la televisión, donde hizo varias obras asombrosas, como TVERDAD (1967), el primer programa periodístico en Argentina producido especialmente para la televisión, o " El Jazz y sus Parientes " (Inolvidable , FM Radio Rivadavia, 1987 - 1990), demostrando que su amor por la música no tenía límites, el mismo amor, suficientemente grande, para darle ideas para un espectáculo multimedia a finales de los años sesenta, "Los Ejecutivos También Tienen Alma", más tarde un hermoso disco de jazz, "Los Ejecutivos También Tienen Alma" (Alfa Records, 1969).

Télam (1984 - 1989) es otro hito en su carrera, gestionando la publicidad de todos los organismos y empresas del Estado, una gran experiencia, pero algo agridulce hacia el final , gracias a su honestidad fue, primero un obstáculo para el nuevo gobierno de 1989, y también una nube negra sobre las cabezas de muchas personas en el mundo de la publicidad, porque él se convierte en un desconocido para ellos después de haber dejado ese cargo.

"Los Hermosos Solitarios" (1993 ), revista cultural, es uno de sus últimos proyectos dedicados a los medios de comunicación, y su trabajo como Director de Prensa y Comunicaciones de la Fundación Cardiológica Argentina (2000 - 2001) un adiós a las posiciones importantes.

Después de su retiro, se enamoró de una Mac, de Apple, Quadra 605, gran herramienta para escribir y escribir, pero ninguna de sus novelas, cuentos, o muchas otras piezas de literatura de ese período se han publicado aún.

Bueno mis amigos, en pocas palabras, ese es un rápido vistazo a la impresionante carrera de mi padre, porque su profunda huella en esta tierra, está en mi alma, siempre y para siempre.


“La publicidad era una fiesta” (“Advertising was a party”) is an unpublished autobiography from Ricardo Antin, my dear father, and I’m saying “is no longer a party” because he died on January 2 in Madrid, Spain.

In a few words I want to talk about my father’s professional career, of course I’ve got a huge debt with him, for the high values he taught me, and, as my mother, his lovely dedication to open for me the wonderful world of music, movies, literature, and the endless love to all creatures around us, specially cats and dogs, but that’s personal, an eternal link with his soul.

His first steady job in advertising was in a truly avant garde place called Castignani y Burd Propaganda (1958 -1959 ), agency he left behind, with great pain, to stamp an indelible mark in advertising history on J. Walter Thompson (1959 -1970).

Ricardo Antin's first steps in advertising were as copywriter, but essentially he was a creative human being, poetry, theater, novels, short stories, with talent to write on any field, and sadly only part from his poetry was published.

At J. Walter Thompson he was the key to open a space for the creative workers, not only as the people imagining graphic and TV advertising, also to take important decisions for the company, something very usual today, absolutely outrageous for the “big bosses” on those times.

Joining forces with his brother, the filmmaker Manuel Antin, they gave birth to a successful society dedicated to film advertising (1971 - 1972).

Then, a long road, several advertising agencies, until it was the time to create his own (1981 - 1983).

But he wasn’t trapped in the advertising world, in love with radio and TV, where he made several amazing works, as TVERDAD (1967), the first journalistic show in Argentina produced especially for television, or “El Jazz y sus Parientes” (“The Jazz and its Relatives”, Inolvidable, FM Radio Rivadavia, 1987 - 1990), showing that his love for music was limitless, the same love, big enough, to give him ideas for a multimedia show by the end of the sixties, "Los ejecutivos también tienen alma" / "Executives Have a Soul Too", later a beautiful jazz album, "Los ejecutivos también tienen alma" / "Executives Have a Soul Too" (Alfa Records, 1969).

Télam (1984 - 1989) is another landmark in his career, managing the advertising from all the agencies and state enterprises, a great experience, but kind of bittersweet toward the end, thanks to his honesty was, first an obstacle for the new government from 1989, and also a dark cloud over the heads from many people in the advertising world, because he becomes a stranger to them after leaving that office.

“Los Hermosos Solitarios” (“The Beautiful Loners”, 1993), cultural magazine, is one of his last projects dedicated to the mass media, and his work as Press and Communications Director at the Argentine Heart Foundation (2000 - 2001) a farewell to important positions.

After his retirement he fell in love with a Mac from Apple, Quadra 605, great tool to write and write, but none from his novels, short stories, or many other literature pieces from that period were published yet.

Well my friends, in a few words that’s a fast glimpse on my father's impressive career, because his deep mark on this Earth, it's on my soul, always and forever.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Positive Ghetto and the sense of community / The Positive Ghetto y el sentido de comunidad

Sometimes I don't know what to think, because I believe some people, even those involved in the independent art scene, doesn't understand the importance to support our community and projects.

Algunas veces no se que pensar, porque creo que algunas personas, aún aquellos involucrados en el ambiente del arte independiente, no comprenden la importancia de apoyar a nuestra comunidad y proyectos.

This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto / Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Message in a bottle

I will call this a "message in a bottle", just an idea, a crazy one? Who knows.

Someone out there has some information about any organization, public, private, even a culture ministry from some country, with enough freedom to give support, just a small one, to The Positive Ghetto?, and going even further, to give the project a physical place of residence.

I know many, many cultural organizations, from previous projects I was involved, but this time I’m opening all the paths to use the social networks and my contacts in the cultural field the best possible way.

I believe The Positive Ghetto has the quality and the strength to be a worldwide center to help good art to connect and survive.

I'm thinking in Europe, the USA, I know about the crisis, everywhere, but, crazier things have happened.

Best wishes, as always,

Voy a llamar a esto un "mensaje en una botella", una idea, una loca idea? Quién sabe.

¿Alguien allí fuera tiene alguna información acerca de cualquier organización, pública, privada, incluso un ministerio de cultura de algún país, con la libertad suficiente para dar apoyo, sólo uno pequeño, a The Positive Ghetto?, y yendo aún más lejos, dar al proyecto un lugar físico de residencia.

Conozco muchas, muchas organizaciones culturales, de proyectos anteriores en los que participé, pero esta vez estoy abriendo todos los caminos para utilziar las redes sociales de la mejor manera posible.

Creo que The Positive Ghetto tiene la calidad y la fuerza para ser un centro mundial para ayudar el buen arte a conectarse y sobrevivir.

Estoy pensando en Europa o los EE.UU., sé sobre la crisis, en todas partes, pero, cosas más locas han ocurrido.

Los mejores deseos, como siempre,

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Monday, May 13, 2013

First steps

Somehow the first steps from The Positive Ghetto are the last steps from euskir music.
Do you know euskir music? Do you remember that project?

euskir music was an idea to give a good hand to independent musicians, music and cultural management without any charge for the musician, and in some cases a service for some music festivals and venues too.
The money to support it? From my own pocket, some coming from free lance jobs related to communications services, and sometimes coming from non profit organizations, as euskir music itself.
It was fine for a couple of years, but at some point it was impossible to keep it alive, some problem with an international festival was the last drop of poison to kill my beloved project.

The Positive Ghetto is aiming to the same direction, independent art, not only music, of course music will be the main interest, because is the field I know much better, but I think to open as many doors as possible.

There’s a basic difference, the way to sustain the project alive and kicking, without any problem.
For specific works, a charge, an arrangement with the artist or the person interested in my help, this is a non profit organization, I’m not pretending to take 50% of nobody’s profit, just a little help to keep the wheels rolling.
And the other option is to use the PayPal button you can see at right, if you love independent art, and specially if you know me, and my honest work to help artists from any country, genre, or style, add a contribution, small, middle, big, just as much as you can, I know these hard times are not easy for our wallets, but one coin here, another there, that will be enough.

My friends, well, you know me, and if you don’t, just ask someone who knows me, “good art must survive” isn’t just a catchy slogan, is a goal, and alone, I just can’t do it.

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Good art must survive

Ghettos are linked to many stories, of life and death, comedy and tragedy, and even in the worst times, the sense of community is very alive in the ghetto.

Is more than clear than the enemy is outside, so the ghetto, as a big family, try to solve all the problems, big and small, always as a whole entity.

The Positive Ghetto is a worldwide project, very ambitious, as most projects, but knowing well we're facing hard times, so patience must be a main tool here.

I'm not the usual "music business guy", not even for the independent scene, because thanks to my great working experience I can reach cultural management areas beyond the activity as creative consultant for artists and cultural spaces, like press, public relations, festival and music venues, and also a good hand at online presence (websites, blogs, social networks), and many other art related matters coming from the open interchange of ideas between you and me.

Art is the key, from my side essentially music, but The Positive Ghetto is open to any independent artistic activity, from movies to literature, paintings to graphic design and photography, to be clear, all art forms are welcome, because we're always looking for a way to get people together, to find the energy in common ground, and to share our knowledge, in every artistic field.

No limits, no horizon, no selfishness, just one direction, because everyone at The Positive Ghetto knows one thing, good art must survive.

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Monday, January 14, 2008

¿Adiós a euskir's txoko? / Goodbye to euskir's txoko?

Lo se, se lo que algunos de ustedes están pensando: ¿nuevamente?
Mi "primer adiós" fue algo trágico, demasiado triste, no estoy verdaderamente feliz ahora, pero esta es una situación completamente diferente.
En este momento no puedo mantener el "ritmo" de la manera que quiero, y la idea original no fue construir un calendario musical, euskir's txoko, un simple hobbie, escrito y dedicado a difundir el buen arte, no puede sobrevivir sin tomar demasiado tiempo de otras actividades en las que estoy trabajando.
No puedo decir: "está bien, de tanto en tanto estaré aquí escribiendo algo", creo que esa no es una elección seria, pero por supuesto una puerta a la comunicación permanecerá siempre abierta.
Pueden dejar mensajes, echar un vistazo a los enlaces (hay mucho para disfrutar , y trataré de seguir agregando cosas interesantes).
Gacetillas de prensa y todo material de músicos y artistas será bienvenido como es habitual, estaré aquí escuchando, prestando atención, tratando de difundir su maravilloso trabajo, para agregar enlaces, utilizando mi "red oculta", dando una pequeña mano para ayudar.
Gracias a toda la gente que estuvo apoyando euskir's txoko desde el comienzo, no quiero dejar a ninguno fuera, ellos saben quienes son, estoy seguro de eso.
Los mejores deseos, como siempre,

Federico Antin (también conocido como euskir)

I know, I know what some of you are thinking: again?
My "first goodbye" was kind of tragic, too sad, I'm not really happy now, but this is a completely different situation.
Right now I can't keep the "rhythm" the way I want, and the original idea was not to build a musical calendar, euskir's txoko, a simple hobbie, written and dedicated to spread the good art, can't survive without taking too much time from other activities I'm working on.
I can't say: "it's ok, from time to time I'll be here writing something", I think that's not a serious choice, but of course a door to communication will remain always open.
You can leave messages, take a look to the links (there's a lot to enjoy, and I'll try to keep adding interesting things).
Press releases and all material from musicians and artists will be welcome as usual, I'll be here listening, paying attention, trying to spread your wonderful work, to add links, using my "hidden network", giving a little hand to help.
Thanks to all the people who were supporting euskir's txoko since the beginning, I don't want to leave none out, they know who they are, I'm sure of it.
Best wishes, as always,

Federico Antin (aka euskir)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fernando Fernán Gómez: gracias / Fernando Fernán Gómez: thanks

Fernando Fernán Gómez con el Oso de Oro del Festival de Berlín, febrero 2005 / Fernando Fernán Gómez with the Golden bear from the Berlin Film Festival, february 2005. (Fuente de la foto / Photo's source).

Sencillo como eso. Ningún discurso pomposo, no señor, no es su estilo. Sólo fijar en mi mente y corazón su talento en el cine, teatro, literatura, en el escenario, o detrás del telón, escribiendo, dirigiendo
Dos películas son para mi una viva descripción de su arte: "Las bicicletas son para el verano" (Jaime Chávarri, 1984) y "El viaje a ninguna parte" (Fernando Fernán Gómez, 1986), la primera también un éxito en el teatro, una hermosamente triste historia sobre el terrible impacto de la Guerra Civil Española en la gente común, la segunda, una conmovedora reflexión sobre el mundo del teatro y la vida.
Vida, como el dijo una vez, más importante que el arte, un fiel anarquista, un luchador por la libertad, bueno, perdón Fernando, me estoy poniendo sentimental, y pomposo, será difícil caminar sin tu "presencia física" cerca nuestro...
Entonces, de vuelta al comienzo, gracias Fernando, gracias por tu arte, y por tu vida...

Simple as that. No pompous speech, no sir, not his style. Just fix in my mind and heart his talent in the movies, theater and literature, on the stage, or behind the curtains, writing, directing.
Two movies are for me a a vivid depiction from his art: "Las bicicletas son para el verano" - "Bicycles are for the summer" - (Jaime Chávarri, 1984) and "El viaje a ninguna parte" - "Voyage to nowhere" - (Fernando Fernán Gómez, 1986), the first one also a success at the theater, a beautifully sad story about the terrible impact from the the Spanish Civil War on the common people, the second one, a poignant reflexion about the word of theater and life.
Life, as he said once, more important that art, a faithful anarchist, a fighter for freedom, well, sorry Fernando, I'm getting sentimental, and pompous, will be hard to walk without your "physical presence" close to us...
Then, back to the beginning, thanks Fernando, thanks for your art, and for your life...

Fernando Fernán Gómez en / at El Criticón

Fernando Fernán Gómez en / at The Internet Movie database (IMDB)