Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indie. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2019

Creativity all the way / Creatividad por todo el camino

A NEW YEAR is coming.
We wish you CREATIVITY to keep us all on the right path.

Un NUEVO AÑO está llegando.
Les deseamos CREATIVIDAD para mantenernos todos en el buen camino.

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads




Phones * Teléfonos
15 3309 9147
15 3306 4466

Diseño (gráfica, web, POP)
Imagen (identidad corporativa)
Internet (community management)
Producción audiovisual (digital, edición de video, filmación con drones, servicios de producción y post producción) / Fotografía
Gestión cultural (producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos)

Design (graphic design, web, POP)
Image (corporate design)
Internet (community management)
Audiovisual production (digital, video editing, filming with drones, production and post production services) / Photography
Cultural management (production, promotion, cultural consulting, events)

This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Thursday, December 21, 2017

AllSenses | Art& Ads: The creative feeling… / El sentimiento creativo…

Tough times, not only for you, or for us, worldwide, and the Holiday Season can’t change everything, but we can try. And if we can try to go ahead that’s the first step, we’re not standing still, the wheels in our brains are in motion, waking up our bodies, our souls, the blood is pumping energy through our vital system.

And what a better place than AllSenses | Art&Ads to talk about “our senses”, building spaces to make our clients feel at home with our ideas and projects for them.

Beyond Santa’s gift list and the religious side of the season if you’re religious, there’s something we want to pay special attention: the values, family, friends, all the things that make possible to use our creativity to turn nightmares into beautiful dreams.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from all of us in AllSenses | Art&Ads, for all the good people out there, wherever you are…

Tiempos difíciles, no sólo para ustedes, o para nosotros, en todo el mundo, y las Fiestas no pueden cambiar todo, pero podemos intentarlo. Y si podemos intentar ir hacia adelante ese es el primer paso, no estamos quietos, las ruedas en nuestros cerebros están en movimiento, despertando nuestros cuerpos, nuestras almas, la sangre está bombeando energía a través de nuestro sistema vital.

Y que mejor sitio que AllSenses | Art&Ads para hablar de “nuestros sentidos” (“our senses”), construyendo espacios para hacer que nuestros clientes se sientan cómodos con nuestras ideas y proyectos para ellos.

Más allá de la lista de regalos de Papá Noel y el aspecto religioso de estas fechas si son religiosos, hay algo especial a lo que queremos prestar atención: los valores, familia, amigos, todas las cosas que hacen posible utilizar nuestra creatividad para convertir pesadillas en hermosos sueños.

Feliz Navidad & un Próspero Año Nuevo de parte de todos nosotros en AllSenses | Art&Ads, para toda la buena gente allí fuera, dondequiera que se encuentren…

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads




Design (graphic design, web, POP)
Image (corporate design)
Internet (community management)
Audiovisual production (digital, video editing, filming with drones, production and post production services) / Photography
Cultural management (production, promotion, cultural consulting, events)

Diseño (gráfica, web, POP)
Imagen (identidad corporativa)
Internet (community management)
Producción audiovisual (digital, edición de video, filmación con drones, servicios de producción y post producción) / Fotografía
Gestión cultural (producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos)

This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

AllSenses | Art&Ads: Creative Services, digital and analog / Servicios Creativos, digitales y analógicos

AllSenses | Art&Ads, an invitation to dream open to everyone, don’t you forget it, that’s the reason why we touch the sky but not unbalance, keeping one foot firmly on our beloved planet Earth.
Digital and analog creativity, we know all the tricks.
Everyone is invited!!!

AllSenses | Art&Ads, una invitación a soñar abierta a todos, no lo olviden, esa es la razón por la que acariciamos el cielo, sin perder el equilibrio, manteniendo un pie con firmeza sobre nuestro querido planeta Tierra.
Creatividad digital y analógica, conocemos todos los trucos.
Están todos invitados!!!

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads




Design (graphic design, web, POP)
Image (corporate design)
Internet (community management)
Audiovisual production (digital, video editing, filming with drones, production and post production services) / Photography
Cultural management (production, promotion, cultural consulting, events)

Diseño (gráfica, web, POP)
Imagen (identidad corporativa)
Internet (community management)
Producción audiovisual (digital, edición de video, filmación con drones, servicios de producción y post producción) / Fotografía
Gestión cultural (producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos)

This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Creativity = simplicity / Creatividad = sencillez

Charles Mingus was right, creativity = simplicity…
In AllSenses | Art&Ads we’re waiting for you to share our creativity, everyone is invited.

Charles Mingus estaba en lo cierto, creatividad = sencillez…
En AllSenses | Art&Ads los estamos esperando para compartir nuestra creatividad, están todos invitados.

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads



Design (graphic design, web, POP)
Image (corporate design)
Internet (community management)
Cultural management (production, promotion, cultural consulting, events)

Diseño (gráfica, web, POP)
Imagen (identidad corporativa)
Internet (community management)
Gestión cultural (producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos)

This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

AllSenses | Art&Ads: Creativity, our endless dream. And yours? / Creatividad, nuestro sueño sin fin. Y el tuyo?

Creativity is an endless dream, use yours to discover ours.
AllSenses | Art&Ads, creative services, everyone is invited.

La creatividad es un sueño sin fin, utilicen la suya para descubrir la nuestra.
AllSenses | Art&Ads, servicios creativos, están todos invitados.

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads



Design (graphic design, web, POP)
Image (corporate design)
Internet (community management)
Cultural management (production, promotion, cultural consulting, events)

Diseño (gráfica, web, POP)
Imagen (identidad corporativa)
Internet (community management)
Gestión cultural (producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos)

This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Monday, December 12, 2016

AllSenses | Art&Ads: looking for creative preachers / buscando predicadores creativos

To all the good people out there…

AllSenses | Art&Ads is growing, slowly, but growing firmly in the indie creativity scene, that’s why right now your support is more important than ever.

Talk with your family about us, your friends, your cat, oh yes, your dog too, do you have a canary?, tell him about us and let the poor guy free to spread “The AllSenses | Art&Ads Gospel”.

We’ve got more than thirty years of experience in communications, and no, we’re no vampires (Design - graphic design, web, POP -; Image - corporate design -; Internet - community management; Cultural management - production, promotion, cultural consulting, events), spooky don’t you think?, and how many professionals can say the same, and also be ready to offer superb creative quality?

Are you an indie musician?, do you create beautiful music but a fantastic album cover and booklet design will make you happier?, do you need a new website?, some advice to share your art on social networks?, and what about the best places to play? We’re here just waiting for your call, we’re good music lovers, and that’s an extra gift to our creative skills.

Or you’ve got an awesome business, no matter the field, and you want top of the world advertising creativity, but your budget…, yes my friend, we know, tough times, we’re here for you too, don’t you worry, digital ads, analog ads, smoke signals, we’re ready to use our magical and mysterious tricks, remember, we’re not new in communications crazy world, but at the same time we’re fresh and up to date with the newest technologies.

So, the invitation to dream with us is open to everyone, don’t you forget it, that’s the reason why we touch the sky but not unbalance, keeping one foot firmly on our beloved planet Earth.

A toda la buena gente allí fuera...

AllSenses | Art&Ads está creciendo, lentamente, pero creciendo con firmeza en el ámbito de la creatividad indie, ese es el motivo por el cual su apoyo es ahora más importante que nunca.

Hablen con su familia sobre nosotros, sus amigos, su gato, ah cierto, su perro también, tienen un canario?, cuéntenle sobre nosotros y dejen en libertad al pobre tipo para difundir “El Evangelio de AllSenses | Art&Ads”.

Tenemos más de treinta años de experiencia en comunicaciones, y no, no somos vampiros (Diseño - diseño gráfico, web, POP -; Imagen - identidad corporativa -; Internet - community management; Gestión cultural - producción, difusión, asesoramiento cultural, eventos -), asusta no creen?, y cuántos profesionales pueden decir lo mismo, y también estar listos para ofrecer suprema calidad creativa?

Sos un músico indie?, creás hermosa música pero una fantástica tapa de un disco y su librillo te harían más feliz?, necesitás un nuevo website?, algún consejo para compartir tu arte en las redes sociales?, y qué hay sobre los sitios en dónde tocar? Simplemente aquí estamos esperando tu llamada, somos amantes de la buena música, y ese es un don adicional a nuestras capacidades creativas.

O tenés un negocio estupendo, no importa el área, y querés creatividad de primera, pero tu presupuesto… si mi amigo, lo sabemos, tiempos difíciles, aquí estamos para vos también, no te preocupes, publicidad digital, analógica, señales de humo, estamos listos para utilizar nuestros mágicos y misteriosos trucos, recuerden, no somos nuevos en el loco mundo de las comunicaciones, y al mismo tiempo estamos frescos y actualizados con las más novedosas tecnologías.

Entonces, la invitación a soñar con nosotros está abierta a todos, no lo olviden, esa es la razón por la que acariciamos el cielo, sin perder el equilibrio, manteniendo un pie con firmeza sobre nuestro querido planeta Tierra.

Paula Navarrete Daffos

Federico Antin

Creative Directors / Directores Creativos

AllSenses | Art&Ads



This article belongs to AllSenses | Art&Ads / Este artículo pertenece a AllSenses | Art&Ads

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Estoy de regreso, nuevamente, y nuevamente… / I’m back, again, and again…

Mis queridos amigos, estoy de regreso, nuevamente…

En las próximas semanas euskir’s txoko será el sitio para disfrutar las mejores noticias e información sobre arte, esencialmente música, en el mundo indie, y lo saben, están todos invitados.

Al mismo tiempo quiero compartir mi nuevo proyecto, bueno, no estoy solo allí, la adorable Paula Navarrete Daffos está también a bordo en AllSenses | Art&Ads, un espacio creativo dedicado a la publicidad, comunicaciones, diseño, gestión cultural, interesantes servicios creativos desde una fresca y diferente perspectiva.

Perdón por este prolongado período de silencio, y bienvenidos al nuevo y fructífero presente de euskir’s txoko.

My dear friends, I’m back, again…

In the next weeks euskir’s txoko will be the place to enjoy the best news and information about art, specially music, in the indie scene, and you know, everyone is invited.

At the same time I want to share my new project, well, I’m not alone there, the lovely Paula Navarrete Daffos is also on board at AllSenses | Art&Ads, a creative space dedicated to advertising, communication, design, cultural management, interesting creative services from a fresh and different perspective.

Sorry for this lengthy time of silence, and welcome to euskir’s txoko’s new and fruitful present.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

euskir’s txoko: Hello, again / Hola, nuevamente

For many years euskir’s txoko was an interesting corner for people searching a place to discover the independent art, specially music, even without activity I can see each week a good amount from that people visiting euskir’s txoko, so, this is the right time to say hello, again.

I don’t know if my free time will be enough to develop what I want to do now in this space, but I’ll try, the first step will be to talk about several wonderful albums, from today, and also from yesterday… I don’t pay to much attention to the words “past” and “present”, because one of the main ideas in euskir’s txoko is to keep the good independent art alive.

My friends, everyone is invited, as always, welcome back to me, and welcome back to euskir’s txoko.

Por muchos años euskir’s txoko fue un rincón interesante para gente buscando un lugar para descubrir el arte independiente, especialmente música, aun sin actividad puedo ver cada semana una buena cantidad de esa gente visitando euskir’s txoko, entonces, este es el momento indicado para decir hola, nuevamente.

No se si mi tiempo libre será suficiente para desarrollar lo que quiero hacer ahora en este espacio, pero lo intentaré, el primer paso será hablar sobre varios maravillosos discos, de hoy, y también de ayer… No presto demasiada atención a las palabras “pasado” y “presente”, porque una de las principales ideas en euskir’s txoko es mantener el buen arte independiente vivo.

Mis amigos, están todos invitados, como siempre, bienvenido de regreso a euskir’s txoko.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Liz Gilbert & Audiosapien Records: support the good indie art / apoyen el buen arte indie

I'm breaking my "resting time from social networks" to support a very important cause, the benefit event to help Liz Gilbert, a lovely and amazing human being and artist, dealing with a terrible and delicate situation, and even under these circumstances giving life to a new and daring cultural project: Audiosapien Records.

Please read and share.

Thanks a lot.

Estoy rompiendo mi "tiempo de descanso de las redes sociales" para apoyar una causa muy importante, el evento benéfico para ayudar a Liz Gilbert, un encantador y sorprendente ser humano y artista, enfrentando una situación terrible y delicada, y aún bajo esas circunstancias dando vida a un nuevo y atrevido proyecto cultural: Audiosapien Records.

Por favor leer y compartir.

Muchísimas gracias.

This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto / Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto

Thursday, July 04, 2013

"A Beginning To End": jazz and art together again

Thanks to the new work from Linda Palmer, aka Ponor (video and art), Nick Janczak (trumpet and effects), and Phil White (glockenspiel and percussion), for three minutes and thirteen seconds we can stop the world around us, enjoying the high quality from free jazz and musical improvisation, with our eyes under the spell from Linda Palmer's (aka Ponor) amazing visual art. 

If we can't support independent artists, the real ones, we're not going to have too much beauty in our lives, simple as that.

This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto / Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Positive Ghetto and the sense of community / The Positive Ghetto y el sentido de comunidad

Sometimes I don't know what to think, because I believe some people, even those involved in the independent art scene, doesn't understand the importance to support our community and projects.

Algunas veces no se que pensar, porque creo que algunas personas, aún aquellos involucrados en el ambiente del arte independiente, no comprenden la importancia de apoyar a nuestra comunidad y proyectos.

This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto / Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Avant-garde jazz & visual arts: a very happy marriage

A mysterious and lovely "Ponor creature"

The marriages between different artistic forms are not always happy, even if the best artists are involved the outcome can be a disaster, since the beginning of times we can see many examples from those uncomfortable situations, but today I want to talk about the other side, when the marriage is pure happiness.

A series of videos from this year are showing the great work from some amazing artists from England, the fantastic free jazz musicians Nick Janczak (trumpet) and Phil White (drums), with the beautiful ideas from the visual artist Linda Palmer (aka Ponor).

In this brief article I want to share some of those videos, but also to talk a little about the creative independent spirit behind them, something we must enjoy, and support, in these days of ugly darkness in many artistic fields.

The partnership between Nick Janczak and Phil White is full of colors, straight warm lines, and sometimes obscure detours, with unique and refreshing sounds, and the art from Linda Palmer (aka Ponor), an artist who can paint, design an album cover, or create a marvellous world populated by her "Ponors creatures", is the perfect canvas for the music.

For The Positive Ghetto is a real pleasure to promote this new material, where music and visual arts can show us a path to make a little better the world we live in.

"We Are All Nomads"

"Machine Voodoo"

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Message in a bottle

I will call this a "message in a bottle", just an idea, a crazy one? Who knows.

Someone out there has some information about any organization, public, private, even a culture ministry from some country, with enough freedom to give support, just a small one, to The Positive Ghetto?, and going even further, to give the project a physical place of residence.

I know many, many cultural organizations, from previous projects I was involved, but this time I’m opening all the paths to use the social networks and my contacts in the cultural field the best possible way.

I believe The Positive Ghetto has the quality and the strength to be a worldwide center to help good art to connect and survive.

I'm thinking in Europe, the USA, I know about the crisis, everywhere, but, crazier things have happened.

Best wishes, as always,

Voy a llamar a esto un "mensaje en una botella", una idea, una loca idea? Quién sabe.

¿Alguien allí fuera tiene alguna información acerca de cualquier organización, pública, privada, incluso un ministerio de cultura de algún país, con la libertad suficiente para dar apoyo, sólo uno pequeño, a The Positive Ghetto?, y yendo aún más lejos, dar al proyecto un lugar físico de residencia.

Conozco muchas, muchas organizaciones culturales, de proyectos anteriores en los que participé, pero esta vez estoy abriendo todos los caminos para utilziar las redes sociales de la mejor manera posible.

Creo que The Positive Ghetto tiene la calidad y la fuerza para ser un centro mundial para ayudar el buen arte a conectarse y sobrevivir.

Estoy pensando en Europa o los EE.UU., sé sobre la crisis, en todas partes, pero, cosas más locas han ocurrido.

Los mejores deseos, como siempre,

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Liz Gilbert: an independent artist we must protect

If I’ve got to think in the best example of an independent artist I must say just one name: Liz Gilbert.

Since some time ago she’s facing very complicated issues, her health isn’t too well, and some financial troubles make the situation much worse, but even under those burdens she’s always thinking in ways to write new music, to record it, and to help other artists.

Liz Gilbert was born in Canada, but lives since ages ago in the United States, she's a talented singer and multi-instrumentalist, a very gifted composer, and if you don’t know her I’m inviting you to to do it, it will be the best investment for good music lovers.

From jazz to blues, rock, folk, contemporary music, there's no a single genre or style unknown for her.

I really wish to see Liz Gilbert coming back soon in top form, if The Positive Ghetto is alive is thanks to brilliant artists and beautiful human beings as her.

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stephan Moore's JazzWrap: amazing independent jazz is waiting for you

Many people is out there helping us to discover new and wonderful independent music, and one of them is the great Stephan Moore, with his fantastic  blog dedicated to jazz called JazzWrap.

In The Positive Ghetto we want to invite you to visit JazzWrap, and to discover and enjoy the pleasures from good independent  music.

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Norris Trío: open your souls, hearts, and ears of course, to beautiful new jazz

I like to say it very loud, for me jazz is a musical playground, a lot of creativity is involved, but also the ability to keep it alive as a beautiful game, and my friends from the Norris Trío are a fantastic example from my theory.

A real pleasure to work with his founder Enrique Norris, on cornet, keyboards and percussion, Pablo Díaz on drums, and now Maximiliano Kirszner on acoustic bass, until some months ago Cristián Bórtoli was the band bassist, now the talented musician is back in his Santa Fe's home.

Jazz, free jazz, avant garde, just put those labels aside and enjoy the beauty of independent art.

Bandcamp is a great musical place where you can find some of the best music from the Norris Trío, just a few dollars for each one of the great recordings they made, and I hope to listen much more magical new music produced by these amazing artists in the near future.

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Monday, May 13, 2013

First steps

Somehow the first steps from The Positive Ghetto are the last steps from euskir music.
Do you know euskir music? Do you remember that project?

euskir music was an idea to give a good hand to independent musicians, music and cultural management without any charge for the musician, and in some cases a service for some music festivals and venues too.
The money to support it? From my own pocket, some coming from free lance jobs related to communications services, and sometimes coming from non profit organizations, as euskir music itself.
It was fine for a couple of years, but at some point it was impossible to keep it alive, some problem with an international festival was the last drop of poison to kill my beloved project.

The Positive Ghetto is aiming to the same direction, independent art, not only music, of course music will be the main interest, because is the field I know much better, but I think to open as many doors as possible.

There’s a basic difference, the way to sustain the project alive and kicking, without any problem.
For specific works, a charge, an arrangement with the artist or the person interested in my help, this is a non profit organization, I’m not pretending to take 50% of nobody’s profit, just a little help to keep the wheels rolling.
And the other option is to use the PayPal button you can see at right, if you love independent art, and specially if you know me, and my honest work to help artists from any country, genre, or style, add a contribution, small, middle, big, just as much as you can, I know these hard times are not easy for our wallets, but one coin here, another there, that will be enough.

My friends, well, you know me, and if you don’t, just ask someone who knows me, “good art must survive” isn’t just a catchy slogan, is a goal, and alone, I just can’t do it.

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Good art must survive

Ghettos are linked to many stories, of life and death, comedy and tragedy, and even in the worst times, the sense of community is very alive in the ghetto.

Is more than clear than the enemy is outside, so the ghetto, as a big family, try to solve all the problems, big and small, always as a whole entity.

The Positive Ghetto is a worldwide project, very ambitious, as most projects, but knowing well we're facing hard times, so patience must be a main tool here.

I'm not the usual "music business guy", not even for the independent scene, because thanks to my great working experience I can reach cultural management areas beyond the activity as creative consultant for artists and cultural spaces, like press, public relations, festival and music venues, and also a good hand at online presence (websites, blogs, social networks), and many other art related matters coming from the open interchange of ideas between you and me.

Art is the key, from my side essentially music, but The Positive Ghetto is open to any independent artistic activity, from movies to literature, paintings to graphic design and photography, to be clear, all art forms are welcome, because we're always looking for a way to get people together, to find the energy in common ground, and to share our knowledge, in every artistic field.

No limits, no horizon, no selfishness, just one direction, because everyone at The Positive Ghetto knows one thing, good art must survive.

Federico Antin
Founder & CEO
The Positive Ghetto

Este artículo pertenece a The Positive Ghetto / This article belongs to The Positive Ghetto

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Emilie Weibel: refrescando bellamente el jazz cantado / beautifully refreshing vocal jazz

Me gusta la palabra "refrescante", si son seguidores de mi blog deben saber eso muy bien, pero la utilización de semejante palabra siempre está justificada, en el caso de Emilie Weibel , más que nunca.

Conocí el trabajo de Emilie Weibel hace algún tiempo, entonces ella estaba compartiendo varias colaboraciones con músicos de vanguardia y free-jazz, pero la barrera no estaba allí, pop, y música electrónica también eran parte del equipaje.

Ahora Emilie Weibel está abriendo un espacio para desarrollar su carrera solista, y un nombre maravilloso, "Omoo", ligado al gran Herman Melville, es la llave a ese mágico universo.

Suiza es el país en donde Emilie Weibel nació, los Estados Unidos el sitio en donde ella vive, una poderosa combinación, donde pueden agregar las influencias del scat de jazz, aún cuando ella está haciendo algo realmente nuevo en ese campo, y colores de Brasil y Africa también están en su sendero creativo.

Mis buenos amigos, ustedes lo saben, músicos como Emilie Weibel, manteniendo la música viva gracias a un constante esfuerzo y amor a su trabajo, merecen todo nuestro apoyo, el buen arte debe sobrevivir, pero es imposible si no mantenemos nuestras almas, corazones, y oídos, bien abiertos, por favor no lo olviden.

Disfruten la música de Emilie Weibel / Enjoy Emilie Weibel's music.

Footprints (I can Understand)
Música original por el único e incomparable Wayne Shorter / Original music by the one and only Wayne Shorter.


Hello Léa

I like the world "refreshing", if you're a follower from my blog you must know that pretty well, but the use of such word is always justified, in Emilie Weibel case, more than ever.

I knew Emilie Weibel work some time ago, then she was sharing several collaborations with free jazz and avant-garde musicians, but the barrier wasn't there, pop, and electronic music were part of the baggage too.

Now Emilie Weibel is opening a space to develop a solo career, and a wonderful name, "Omoo", linked to the great Herman Melville, is the key to that magical universe.

Switzerland is the place where Emilie Weibel was born, the United States the place where she lives, a powerful combination, where you can add the influences from jazz scat, even when she's really doing something new in that field, and colors from Brazil and Africa are also in her creative path.

My good friends, you know, musicians like Emilie Weibel, keeping music alive thanks to a constant effort and love to their work, deserve all our support, good art must survive, but is impossible if we can't keep our souls, hearts, and ears, wide open, please don't you forget it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

La bella nueva música de Paloma del Cerro, en vivo en Casa Brandon / Paloma del Cerro's beautiful new music, live at Casa Brandon

El pasado año tuve la oportunidad de estar presente en la grabación del nuevo álbum de Marco Sanguinetti ("El otro", Acqua Records, 2011), fue una maravillosa experiencia, y el brillante producto de esas sesiones está allí fuera desde hace algunos meses.
En ese día conocí a la cantante Paloma del Cerro, invitada por Marco Sanguinetti a ser una importante parte del álbum, ella es una talentosa y creativa cantante.

Bueno, Paloma del Cerro estará presentando su propio trabajo, "Gozar hasta que me ausente" (Acqua Records, 2011), este sábado, octubre 29, 2001, en Casa Brandon (Luis Maria Drago 236, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Un gran día para disfrutar de esta nueva música, sonidos profundamente conectados a las raíces folklóricas de esta región del mundo, pero desde una refrescante perspectiva, evitando, de una manera muy inteligente, todas las etiquetas musicales, porque encontrarán folk, jazz, pop, rock, electrónica, y mucho más si mantienen sus almas, corazones, mentes y oídos, bien abiertos.

Como me gusta decir en estas situaciones artísticas, finalmente, simple como un bello patio de juegos musical.

Como siempre están todos invitados, gracias por compartir y difundir la buena música.

Last year I had the chance to be present at Marco Sanguinetti new album recording ("El otro", Acqua Records, 2011), it was a wonderful experience, and the bright product from those sessions it's out there since some months ago.
In that day I knew the singer Paloma del Cerro, invited by Marco Sanguinetti to be an important part from the album, she's a talented and creative singer.

Well, Paloma del Cerro will be presenting her own work, "Gozar hasta que me ausente" (Acqua Records, 2011), this saturday, october 29, 2011, at Casa Brandon (Luis Maria Drago 236, Autonomic City of Buenos Aires, Argentina).

A great day to enyoy this new music, sounds deeply connected to this region of the world folkloric roots, but from a refreshing perspective, avoiding, in a very intelligent way, all musical labels, because you'll find folk, jazz, pop, rock, electronica, and much more if you keep your souls, hearts, minds and ears, wide open.

As I like to say in this artistic situations, at last, simple as a beautiful musical playground.

As always everyone is invited, thanks for sharing and spreading the good music.

Paloma del Cerro en / at Casa Brandon

Paloma del Cerro: voz / vocals.
Gerardo Morel: electrónica / electronics.
dj migma: scratches. Rafa D'Andrea: guitarra / guitar.
Santiago Hernández: percusión / percussion.
 Remo Leaño (letrista / lyricist)
Luis Maria Drago 236
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

El show en Eventos Facebook / The show at Facebook Events